Hans H. Peters


This is to open a online Obituary For my friend Hans H. Peters . I have attached a picture of Hans and what I think is a picture of a button with his Race Horse Northern Navigator on it.

Hans was a chemical engineer at Boeing and retired in 1987, I met Hans a few years ago when he needed some help with his cats that he loved and enjoyed so much.

He also loved the birds and other wildlife that would visit him on his porch at his house in Kent where he had a sign that read “Peters National Forrest” that a friend had made for him.

I am putting this obit online where I hope I can help his friends that knew him can share their memories of Hans and intern I can learn more and help share and celebrate Hans life.

So feel free to share any thoughts, memory’s and if you feel like it some of Hans history that you may know

Thanks Pat

Peters National ForrestNorthernNavaGATORcropedSpotsy

Hans Peters will be interned at the Tahoma National Cemetery

Date : Thursday  May 2, 2013

Time : 2:00 P.M. please arrive 15 minutes Early

Anyone who knew Hans and wants to attend is welcome